This collection of fish puppets was previously displayed at db Bistro & Oyster Bar at Marina Bay Sands, and have been donated to Art Outreach for fundraising. Art Outreach is an IPC charity that promotes art accessibility and supports art practitioners.

The fish-shaped puppets are hand carved by the Bozo people, a fishing tribe from Mali in West Africa. The tribespeople are also known as “masters of the river” and their culture and artwork centres around their interaction with the Niger River.
The sculptures are hand-carved from wood, painted, and then antiqued through an underground smoking process. Each fish puppet is unique in colour and size and features intricate details, with the movable fins and tails.

Please consider adopting a fish puppet to support the work we do, or even adding a donation to your purchase. Any donation amount on top of the bid price will be eligible for a 250% tax deduction (for Singapore individuals and corporate taxpayers).